Engage Audiences Live
“Producción en directo” de Sony
Os esperamos el Miercoles 28 de Octubre a las 12h00 para descubrir todas las soluciones que Sony ofrece para la Producción en directo.
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La Production Live par Sony
Découvrez toute notre gamme de cameras robotisées, cameras plateau et mélangeurs de production. Dans ce webinar, nous parlons également de notre nouvelle gamme de moniteurs, des liaisons audio numériques pour l’évènementiel et les workflows HDR et IP-Live
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HDR basics explained
High Dynamic Range (HDR) creates vibrant coverage that draws fans into the action. But HDR can be perceived as complex to understand and implement. Until now! In this webinar, you will gain a deeper understanding of the exciting developments, techniques and terminology of High Dynamic Range.
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HFR workflows
Discover Sony HFR line-up products and workflows from capture to slow motion playout. During this presentation, we will focus on HDC-3500 camera model thanks to the new software license and a Super Slow Motion (SSLM) camera operator will be our guest to share his experience in the field.
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Taking live production to the next level : SR Live from Sony
High Dynamic Range (HDR) has been adopted by forward-thinking media organisations, to create vibrant coverage that draws fans into the action. Sony’s “SR Live” production system has established itself as the leading HDR workflow for the highest profile broadcasts and live events.
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Smart Live Production
From Virtual to Augmented Reality. Live with Sony & Brainstorm
A great panel will discuss how to be more creative thanks to VR and AR systems. Yhazmina, Live Production Solution Specialist at Sony Professional along with Thierry, Product Manager & Miguel, Marketing Director at BRAINSTORM will tell you more about multi-platform immersive system and robotics cameras. During the webinar, they will run a Live demo.
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Simplified Live Production with Sony & Skaarhoj
Come and join our webinar where Christian, live production specialist from Sony and Olivier Foy, Head of Sales & Marketing at Skaarhoj & Kasper Skaarhoj CEO will share with you the fully combined live production solution, bringing together PTZ cameras from Sony & remote control panels from Skaarhoj.
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From Live to file
During this session, we will present a complete set of workflows from live capture to file export using the unique internal recording capabilities inside latest generation of Sony CCUs. An endless solution from live capture to external HDD or even being pushed to the cloud handled by Sony Ci platform. We will demonstrate how the CCUs and a server will be controlled from a single and very intuitive GUI interface.
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Live in freedom – Integrated live wireless systems
This webinar will show the compatibility of the new SONY system camera generation (HDC-3500, HDC-5500) to integrated wireless solutions from third party manufacturers. It will explain how the wireless system is integrated and what kind of frame rates can be used along with the wireless transmission. Furthermore, the key benefits of this camera integration will be shared as well as the key features and characteristics of the wireless transmission part. Finally, a complete configuration is presented that includes camera tracking and system control.
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VR/AR studio simplified
Discover how you can easily set up a virtual reality and augmented reality studio using Sony BRC-X1000/H800 new V2.1 firmware supporting FreeD protocol for Reality Engine™ in partnership with Zero Density.
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Simplified live production
Product specialist Christian Branteghem presents how Sony PTZ cameras, compact MCX-500 Audio/Video switcher and AI Edge Analytics solutions can greatly simplify the operation of Live Productions.
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From Visual Radio to Virtual Studio - An immersive story from Sony and multiCAM
Christian, Live Production Solution Specialist at Sony Professional along with Stan, CEO & Mary Ann, USA Sales Director at multiCAM systems will tell you more about how Radio Stations can be more innovative to better engage their audience with multi-platform immersive video content and robotics cameras.
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Doing SMART productions
Discover SMART production solutions with Head of Connected Content Acquisition, Claus Pfeifer and Solution Specialists Andreas Berghaus and Andy Hotten. Learn how to maximise your existing live production solutions to produce more content and utilise remote GUI technology.
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Remote and Distributed Production
Was jetzt? Eine Runde mit Medienexperten - Mobil und lokal mit IP und 5G
Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2021 10:00 Uhr CET
Ein moderierter Austausch über Erfahrungen, Pläne und Fragen zu den Thema Mobil und lokal mit IP und 5G. Die Nutzung standardisierter IP Infrastruktur für die Produktion und Distribution von Medieninhalten erlangt immer mehr Einzug in unser Umfeld. Die Einführung von 5G kann ebenfalls viele neue Impulse in der Produktion setzen.
Nutzen Sie die Chance Ihre Fragen an die Teilnehmer vorab via (khan.odza@sony.com) zu schicken. Selbstverständlich besteht auch während der Veranstaltung die Möglichkeit Ihre Fragen zu stellen.
Bitte beachten Sie: Das Event wird nicht aufgezeichnet.
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Take the (remote) control
Discover solutions that negate the challenges in this new era of social distancing. Find out how simple it is to take control away from the physical switcher control panel, with our web based interface for any XVS switcher.
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5G for remote and distributed production – An introduction by Sony and Nevion
Media organisations around the world are readying themselves for the new opportunities promised by 5G. Remote and distributed production are key areas that are set to benefit. But an overview of the technology is only the start.
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IP based remote production solutions – is this the new normal?
With a future that is no longer predictable, the need for agile solutions that save costs and provide new efficient and socially distanced ways of working are imperative. Join us to explore our solutions for IP Live remote and shared production.
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From remote to fully distributed production
Broadcasters increasingly need more agile productions solutions that save costs, provide new efficient ways of working and better utilisation of resources. Join us to explore our solutions for IP Live Production and some of the benefits IP and open standards based platforms can offer.
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Unlock the power of IP
With broadcasters looking for more efficiencies in operations and better use of engineering resources, join us to explore Sony’s Live Element Orchestrator tools that can unlock benefits and efficiencies for IP Live production workflows.
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Best Practises for IP Media networks
Broadcast production around the world is evolving, demanding increasing efficiency, better utilisation of resources through shared and remote operational workflows. Realising the benefits of IP means choosing the right network topology. Join Sony and Nevion to explore some of the best practices in choosing network architectures.
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Reporting anywhere
Camera remote operations – centralised management of camera settings
In this session we will demonstrate solutions to the challenges of managing cameras remotely.
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An Introduction to proxy workflows - and why they are important
In this session we will introduce you to the concept of the proxy workflow.
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Wirelessly connected journalism
In this session, we explore the changing world of news gathering and broadcasting, demonstrating the latest innovation. We reveal how the benefits of de-centralisation in news production are empowering news storytelling for many forward-facing and trusted news broadcasters. Find out how embracing new and innovative technologies can redefine how teams tell their stories first, fast and most importantly, from wherever they break!
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Why use Sony wireless live streaming when you already have multi-sim backpacks
In this session we will look at how Sony’s live streaming solutions answer the key issues people are facing when using camera to air. We will explain where and when the Sony Live streaming capability is invaluable, getting you the live interview in those unplanned, unscheduled events, sharing real streaming experiences from around Europe. We will reveal how to achieve quality streaming from every camera and avoid drop outs in bad network environments.
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News studio disaster recovery in the cloud
In this session we will examine news studio disaster recovery and why it’s important. Using real-life case studies, we’ll show how Sony’s disaster recovery could work for you.
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Connected production for news and magazines
Solution Specialists, Anna Doublet & Jean-Yves Martin showcase the production tools Sony has in the bag to speed up the news & magazines production workflow process and to help you better understand the variety of Sony connected camcorders & wireless solutions.
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File transfer in production workflow: news, documentary and cine
Sony Solution Specialists, Anna Doublet & Nicolas Moreau present a set of solutions that enable creating a very fast & simple workflow for files transfer speeding up the availability and cutting production costs of the media content.
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Colour matching the FX3, FX6 & FX9
Join our interactive live session where filmmaker Ulrich Mors and Sony Expert Jin Koide will organize a multi-cam set-up with different cameras and explain how to match the Cinema Line cameras (FX3, FX6 and FX9) to each other.
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How to pick the right camera lens to fit your needs
Autofocus has become an integral part of production workflows for its speed, reliability, and precision. Join our interactive session with awarded filmmaker and photographer Dennis Schmelz and get behind the scenes tips on how to go the extra mile with the perfect lens for your project.
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New digital camcorder technologies uncovered
Why Full Frame sensors are so popular nowadays? How does it affect the look of your picture? Are you shuttering at the proper Frame Rate? How does Dual Base ISO work? What is Clear Image Zoom? What about Auto Focus?
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La FX9 part en live! Episode 5: Laurent Chalet, AFC, directeur de la photographie, la FX9 du tournage à l'étalonnage avec Alexandre Sadowsky, étalonneur
Laurent Chalet, AFC, directeur de la photographie, revient sur son expérience de tournage en basses lumières avec la Sony FX9, une caméra dont l'expérience est optimisée du tournage à l'étalonnage. Alexandre Sadowsky, étalonneur, nous accompagne également pour parler des workflows de post-production.
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La FX9 part en live! Episode 4: Kevin Gouazou (YouBLive) et le streaming en FX9 pour l’Opera Garnier et Facebook
Pour maintenir la rencontre entre ses artistes et son public, l’Opéra de Paris, en partenariat avec Facebook, a dévoilé en Novembre dernier et en avant-première payante, trois créations imaginées pour le programme de ballets contemporains « Créer aujourd’hui » depuis le Palais Garnier, réalisé et produit par YouBlive.
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La FX9 part en live! Episode 3: Jeremy Frey , réalisateur et DOP de " Wildlive Expeditions " , la série de documentaires animaliers
Envie de voyage? Jeremy Fey, réalisateur et DoP de la docu-série WILDLIVE Expeditions nous emène en Guyane à la découverte de la biodiversité, et à la rencontre des Amérindiens le long du fleuve Maroni pour ce 2ème épisode de la série WILDLIVE expeditions, tourné en FX9.
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La FX9 part en live! Episode 2: Fabien Lemaire, réalisateur & le documentaire de guerre dans "Opération Barkhane"
Fabien Lemaire nous emmène sur l'opération Barkhane, une opération militaire contre le terrorisme, dans plusieurs pays d'Afrique. Dans ce documentaire, le réalisateur suit le parcours quotidien de 6 femmes soldats, mettant en lumière leur engagement, leur missions et leurs espoirs, équipé de FX9 portée à l'épaule dans ces environnements extrêmes.
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La FX9 part en live! Episode 1: Arnaud Morel de Foucaucourt, chef opérateur sur le tournage de Secrets d'histoire
A l'occasion du prochain épisode de Secrets d'Histoire "Raphaël, le prodige de la Renaissance", diffusé Lundi 18 Janvier à 21h sur France 3, nous invitons Arnaud Morel de Foucaucourt, chef opérateur, pour discuter de sa transition entre la FS7 et la FX9, ainsi que son retour d'expérience avec les équipements Sony sur ce tournage.
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Sony Cinema Line : VENICE, FX9 y lanzamiento de la nueva FX6
Con motivo del lanzamiento de la nueva FX6, repasaremos la línea Cinema Line, y mostraremos las herramientas más útiles que incluyen las últimas actualizaciones y la propia FX6.
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Primeiro olhar sobre a nova FX6 da Sony Cinema Line
Junte-se a nós neste webinar exclusivo da Sony transmitido em direto.
Neste evento online vamos fazer uma análise detalhada das novas funcionalidades desta câmara e uma avaliação técnica com o especialista da Sony Profissional Álvaro Ortiz e com o embaixador Sony Imaging António Morais que a testou no terreno.
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SONY VENICE & FX9: dernières actualités
Venez assister à notre webinar sur les nouvelles versions de la VENICE et de la PXW-FX9. Fabien Pisano, Directeur Europe du Sud et Anna Doublet, Spécialiste Produit Sony, vous feront découvrir toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités que ces mises à jour apportent.
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Sony VENICE & FX9: Últimas noticias con preguntas y respuestas en vivo
No se pierda este seminario web exclusivo sobre Sony VENICE y FX9. Álvaro Ortiz, especialista de Producto de Sony, compartirá contigo las últimas noticias y actualizaciones VENICE y la FX9, además de echar un vistazo al futuro de estas cámaras. También habrá una oportunidad para preguntas y respuestas en vivo.

*Este evento se realizará en español.
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Sony VENICE & FX9: Neueste Nachrichten mit Live-Fragen und Antworten
Verpassen Sie nicht Ihre Chance an diesem exklusiven Webinar über Sony VENICE & FX9 teilzunehmen! Die Gastgeber Jin Koide, Sebastian Leske und Claus Pfeifer, Sony Professional-Experten, werden Ihnen die Highlights zu den neuesten Software-Updates für VENICE-Filmkamera und FX9-Camcorder sowie einen Einblick in die Zukunft dieser Kameras näher bringen.

Abschliessend eine Live-QA-Runde.
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Sony VENICE & FX9 Le ultime notizie, con domande e risposte in diretta
Non perdere questo esclusivo webinar dedicato a Sony VENICE e FX9. Con Valter Corda, Content Acquisition Specialist, e Chiara Ciattaglia, Key Account Manager, parleremo delle ultime novità e aggiornamenti sulla macchina da presa VENICE e sul camcorder FX9, oltre a dare uno sguardo al futuro di questi strumenti per la produzione cinematografica. Durante il webinar, ci sarà anche l'opportunità per domande e risposte dal vivo.
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Getting the cinematic look with the FX9: Panel discussion
Don't miss our exclusive panel discussion joined by FX9 users from around the world. We will be joined by cinematographers Lauren Adams, Pol Turrents, Mads Junker and Kenzen Takahashi, who will share their work and experience on the Full-Frame camera. Hosted by Sony's Claus Pfeifer and Alvaro Ortiz.
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FX9 latest news & future updates
Alvaro Ortiz and Jin Koide, Connected Content Acquisition Specialists at Sony Professional, will share with you the latest updates to the hugely popular FX9 as well as giving a view into the future roadmap for the camcorder.
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Everything you always wanted to know about Sony FX9 and audio (but were afraid to ask)
Sony PXW-FX9 has extensive options for setting up audio that has been already field proven in many usage scenarios (News and Cine).
In this webinar Markus Warlich, Product Specialist Professional Audio will give you a practical overview of various Sony audio products, including UWP-D series, DWX series as well as analogue options via XLR.
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Sensor sizes and resolutions
Alvaro Ortiz, Sony Solutions Specialist together with Paul Cameron, Trainer & Content Creator and Jin Koide, Product Specialist will take you through some basic parameters and features directly related to digital sensors, such as pixel size, resolution, rolling shutter or dynamic range.
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Get ready to shoot with Sony VENICE – RAW viewer workshop
RAW Viewer, a free app from Sony, is immensely useful especially for Venice users. You are able to view native X-OCN recordings, apply LUT’s, view the entire camera metadata and create ART files.
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Best Practice HDR for HETV
Best Practice HDR for HETV is a practical one-hour panel discussion followed by a Q&A exploring the latest streamer expectations and best practice to deliver HDR HETV from prep through on set, editorial, VFX and in post. 4K HDR is an increasingly common streamer requirement and delivers beautiful, vivid and immersive images but can be very unforgiving and requires the judicious use of technology, careful planning and workflow management working back from the deliverables. The assembled panel of experts all have extensive HETV experience and between them have an impressive HETV drama (and theatrical) credit list where they have been directly responsible for defining workflows and protocols.
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Premiers regards sur le plein format avec Caroline Champetier, AFC et Inès Tabarin
Gamme Cinema Line Sony (VENICE, FX9 et FX6)

Venez découvrir le retour d’expérience de Caroline Champetier, AFC, et Inès Tabarin sur leurs essais images avec les caméras plein format Sony Cinema Line, effectués avec les élèves de l’école Louis Lumière.
Nous parlerons VENICE, FX9 et FX6, technique et tournage, et toutes vos questions pourront être posées lors de notre session de questions/réponses.
Sortez de l’ombre et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à ce prochain séminaire en ligne.
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Sony Cine Line : VENICE, FX9 et lancement de la FX6 avec Jérémie de The Quirky
A l’occasion du lancement de la caméra FX6, venez découvrir la gamme Sony Cine Line, conçue par et pour les créateurs d’image.
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Sony VENICE & FX9: Últimas noticias con preguntas y respuestas en vivo
No se pierda este seminario web exclusivo sobre Sony VENICE y FX9. Álvaro Ortiz, especialista de Producto de Sony, compartirá contigo las últimas noticias y actualizaciones VENICE y la FX9, además de echar un vistazo al futuro de estas cámaras. También habrá una oportunidad para preguntas y respuestas en vivo.

*Este evento se realizará en español.
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Sony VENICE & FX9 Le ultime notizie, con domande e risposte in diretta
Non perdere questo esclusivo webinar dedicato a Sony VENICE e FX9. Con Valter Corda, Content Acquisition Specialist, e Chiara Ciattaglia, Key Account Manager, parleremo delle ultime novità e aggiornamenti sulla macchina da presa VENICE e sul camcorder FX9, oltre a dare uno sguardo al futuro di questi strumenti per la produzione cinematografica. Durante il webinar, ci sarà anche l'opportunità per domande e risposte dal vivo.
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SONY VENICE & FX9: dernières actualités
Venez assister à notre webinar sur les nouvelles versions de la VENICE et de la PXW-FX9. Fabien Pisano, Directeur Europe du Sud et Anna Doublet, Spécialiste Produit Sony, vous feront découvrir toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités que ces mises à jour apportent.
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Sony VENICE & FX9: Neueste Nachrichten mit Live-Fragen und Antworten
Verpassen Sie nicht Ihre Chance an diesem exklusiven Webinar über Sony VENICE & FX9 teilzunehmen! Die Gastgeber Jin Koide, Sebastian Leske und Claus Pfeifer, Sony Professional-Experten, werden Ihnen die Highlights zu den neuesten Software-Updates für VENICE-Filmkamera und FX9-Camcorder sowie einen Einblick in die Zukunft dieser Kameras näher bringen.

Abschliessend eine Live-QA-Runde.
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File transfer in production workflow: news, documentary and cine
Sony Solution Specialists, Anna Doublet & Nicolas Moreau present a set of solutions that enable creating a very fast & simple workflow for files transfer speeding up the availability and cutting production costs of the media content.
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From on-set to grading - monitoring solutions
Don't miss our webinar on Sony's latest updates for monitoring solutions. You will learn more about newest PVM-X2400 and PVM-X1800 4K HDR onset monitors, how they match market standard for post: BVM-X310 and how they can fit into your production workflow. Webinar will be hosted by Sony's Daniel Dubreil and Daniel Listh.
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Lovecraft Country: Discussing the look of the HBO’s horror mini-series
Don't miss this exclusive webinar about the cinematography of HBO's Lovecraft Country. During a panel discussion we will talk with the creators of the series, Director of Photography, Robert McLachlan ASC, CSC, and Senior Colorist, Aurora Gordon, on bringing an intense 50's look into this new, critically acclaimed horror series. Hosted by Sebastian Leske and Daniel Perry.
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SONY VENICE - The most advanced Full-Frame Cine camera
Don't miss this exclusive webinar about the Sony VENICE. Hosted by Sebastian Leske, European Product Manager Cinematography, and Daniel Listh, European Product Specialist in Cinematography. They will share with you the latest exciting news & updates for VENICE and other related Cine products.
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Collaborate and manage anywhere
Collaborate and manage anywhere with Hybrid Production Services solutions
This introductory webinar about Hybrid Production Services will be hosted by Product Manager, Gabriele Zanon, and Solutions Marketing Lead, Nicolas Moreau. You'll discover Sony Professional solutions for remote and collaborative content production. Understand the journey to digital transformation of your media chain.
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Faster content delivery with efficient collaborative workflows in sports
This introduction Webinar about Hybrid Production Services will be hosted by Product Manager, Gabriele Zanon, and Solutions Marketing Lead, Nicolas Moreau. You'll discover Sony Professional solutions for remote and collaborative content production solutions in a sporting context. Understand the journey to digital transformation of your content chain.
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Faster program making with efficient collaborative workflows for television
This webinar about Hybrid Production Services will be hosted by Product Manager, Gabriele Zanon and Solutions Marketing Lead, Nicolas Moreau. You'll discover Sony Professional solutions for remote and collaborative content production in a TV context. Understand the journey to digital transformation of your program making.
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Streaming in corporate network with Sony camcorders
Alvaro Ortiz and Anna Doublet, Solutions Specialists, will show you some solutions that Sony already have in their professional camcorders in order to establish a direct streaming to different platforms.
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